Exercise On the HCG Diet

A lot of clients are concerned, due to health or personal reasons, about having to exercise on the HCG diet. Exercise is defiantly not required for any weight loss results. The HCG will carry on to target the fat in your body, with or without exercise.
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Can you carry on to exercise on the HCG diet?

We have a lot of clients who have a desire to carry on their exercise on the HCG diet. Your HCG recommends doing low-impact exercise throughout the plan. Low-impact exercise is good to get the heart rate going, but also does not interfere with the very delicate process the HCG is doing to your body. Swimming, walking, and yoga are some good low-impact exercises. It is best to do these while on P2 because you are not eating sufficiency protein to support a more active lifestyle and you can start to feel very weak. Strenuous exercise can also cause you to retain water.

Dr. Simeon’s HCG protocol states, “Finally, the weight can temporarily increase – paradoxical though this may sound – after an exceptional physical exertion of long continuance leading to a feeling of exhaustion. A game of tennis, a vigorous swim, a run, a ride on horseback or a round of golf do not have this effect; but a long trek, a day of skiing, rowing or cycling or dancing into the small hours usually result in a gain of weight on the following day”

When can you exercise on the HCG diet?

You can start to add exercise on the HCG diet about the second week into P3. Allow the first week for you to restock your protein provision (eat lean protein every 2-3 hours for the first 3-4 days so you don’t get protein deficient) and then allow a few more days to make sure that your weight is stabilizing. At that point, you can exercise on the HCG diet.

Exercise On the HCG Diet Exercise On the HCG Diet Reviewed by safemeds4all.com on 21:53 Rating: 5

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