My HCG Diet: Ordering Experience with New Edge

About my hcg diet blog: I am the founder of HCG Diet Info, the leading authority on the HCG Diet Plan.  In 2002, I lost nearly 90 lbs on the HCG Diet and kept it off until having my baby last year. I am now starting my 2nd HCG Diet journey and blogging my experience as I reach my goal to shed 75 post-baby pounds.

Hcg diet and pregnancy, hcg diet and cancer, hcg diet drops.

I’m so excited to be starting my HCG Diet Plan this coming sennight! I’m taking full benefit of my pregnancy sinker gain, and planning to investigate and share every potential detail and FAQ I have heard since starting HCG Diet Info in 2002.  Part of this approach includes testing out my own recommended hcg suppliers…WITHOUT THEM KNOWING! That’s right, I am going under-cover to try them out.  As my current readers and forum fellow know, I am grotesquely particular when it comes to recommending any product or service on my site- I have high norms and even highest care for safety when it comes to myself, my family and those who visit HCG Diet Info. With that said, I can assure you that I have beforehand thoroughly researched (and downright interrogated lol) my recommended hcg companies.  I trust them clearly and quickly knew I wanted to use them for my personal HCG Diet this time around.
A note about ordering from overseas pharmacies:  I am personally not comfortable recommending this approach and that is why we do not have links to these companies on HDI. To read more on this topic, please read the buy hcg page.
However… even though I have known them for years, and am in contact with the company owners, I decided NOT to tell them I would be using them for my personal HCG diet.  Why?  I want to put my feet in the shoes of my readers and experience the buying process on my own.  I am planning to purchase one round from each supplier, with my own money and without any special treatment.  Maybe I watch too much “Undercover Boss,” I don’t know, but I have already found this approach helpful and am excited to share my experience.

My New Edge Health HCG package arrived and included all mixing supplies and more:

  • (1) Bottle of Bacteriostatic Water (30 ML which is large & marked “for multiple dose.”)
  • (3) Bags of 10 syringes (Total: 30 insulin needles for self-injection) 30 gauge (tiny tiny tiny insulin needles), 5/16″ long, 1 ml cc volume.
  • (1) 5 ML syringe for mixing.
  • (1) 18 gauge 1 1/2 inch 1.2x38mm needle for mixing.
  • 30 Alcohol swabs (I can’t believe they even included the alcohol swabs! I literally don’t have to buy a thing!)
My HCG Diet: Ordering Experience with New Edge My HCG Diet: Ordering Experience with New Edge Reviewed by on 05:22 Rating: 5

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